About Us
About Abundant Living Health & Wellness Resulting Services
Abundant Living Health and Wellness Resulting Services focuses on meeting the comprehensive health and wellness needs of faith based organizations and their surrounding communities. The mission of (ALHWRS) is to serve as a congregational health change agent to improve health disparities and promote healthy living for faith-based organization and its surroundings communities. The ultimate goal is to facilitate in the pursuit of wholeness on all ten dimensions of health and wellness which include spiritual, physical, emotional, intellectual, mental, environmental, social, occupational, financial, and medical health.
ALHWRS is an independent firm with access to a network of resources in a particular health and wellness discipline, including finance, homeopathic healing, management, operations, and human resources. ALVHWRS offers a list of health and wellness services for businesses, congregations, and community members to choose from, depending on the unique needs. Comprehensive assessment, individualize planning and support, access to needed resources, and ongoing coaching are provided. ALHWRS is available to work with businesses, church boards and executive committees, special committees and commissions, with ad hoc groups, long-term task forces, and the congregation at large. Whether your need is simply to get a new group or committee off to a flying start or your goal is to do intensive planning and venturing into faith based initiatives, ALHWRS is available to help you obtain the results needed to achieve goals and objectives that promote abundant living on all 10 dimensions of health.